This is a tanka poem, a collaboration with Christina Chin.
Learn more about this 5 line Japanese poetry form
How we work together -
I send her up to 5 of my photographs, she writes the 1st three lines, then I write the last two lines. It is fun to work in batches and see where they take us.
This cactus is in my backyard, it blooms once a year. The blossoms last a day.
This piece was accepted for Black & White Haiga/Haisha - 7.11.23
I am very honored to work with her, you can see why.
About Christina Chin:
Christina Chin is a painter and haiku poet from Malaysia. She is a four-time recipient of top 100 in the mDAC Summit Contests, exhibited at the Palo Alto Art Center, California. 1st prize winner of the 34th Annual Cherry Blossom Sakura Festival 2020 Haiku Contest. 1st prize winner in the 8th Setouchi Matsuyama 2019 Photohaiku Contest. She has been published in numerous journals, multilingual journals, and anthologies, including Japan's prestigious monthly Haikukai Magazine.
Follow her on Twitter - @Christina_haiku
We became aware of each other through a mutual friend, Jerome.
He is an incredible writer, photographer & more. I have been enjoying his poetry book, “Bathtub Poems - drum beats on a typewriter” by Jerome Berglund.
He was the 1st person to invite me to collaborate on a piece. Jerome has brought me into the haiku community. More to share about Jerome in future cranks of my gum ball machine for sure.
You can find him on Twitter @BerglundJerome
till next week!
Collaboration is a wonderful gift. You not only share your brilliant creativity with others but you enhance the gifts of other artists. I’ve always loved gum balls and now I have another reason to look forward to them😊